How Students Benefit from Learning Coding at Schools

February 26, 2021

By Serge Hovnanian

If we want to set our children up for academic success, every child should learn to code. Coding for kids not only helps improve their mathematics and writing skills but also gives them valuable skills in life and eventually in the workforce.  There are various reasons why coding is important to learn and why coding should be taught in schools from an early age. The earlier children learn to code, the better their chance of success. 

The benefits go beyond the coding skills themselves. Here are some ways that learning coding can help improve a student’s overall performance. 

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

Understanding computers and learning the basics of coding helps children to develop an appreciation of how things work. The ability to solve problems is a trait that is useful in life in general. We all want our children to become excellent problem solvers so that they can overcome any adversity they face. Learning to code gives children the chance to learn this type of skill while they are young and it helps them along the way in life. 

Increase Creativity & Self Confidence

Coding is important to learn because computer programming teaches children to experiment and gives them the confidence to be creative. They will have the chance to design something that is entirely their own. Children thrive off of the feedback they get from creating something they love. Just like learning a language, or to play a musical instrument, children need motivation. Usually seeing results along the way is enough to cultivate this, and this is what happens when children learn to code. Because coding is easy to pick up, for children especially, confidence comes easily. When children learn how to code it gives them the opportunity to be confident and create something in a fun and exciting way. 

Practical Understanding for Math and Physics

Learning to code helps students learn Math and Physics, as well as giving them a better understanding of abstract concepts. Many types of coding involve simulations of a real environment; so, they learn a lot of concepts around math, physics, and problem solving to create even the simplest program using logic and sequencing.

Staying Ahead of the Ever-Evolving Technological World

Learning how to code is something that will serve students well in the ever-evolving technological future. As the basic language of computers, coding is central to every type of technology surrounding students. It’s also an in-demand skill for down the road when they transition from school into the competing workplace. 

For schools looking for better ways to introduce coding to their students in a fun, yet challenging environment, Coding First provides STEM accredited, state of the art online coding curriculum integrated in an online website with user friendly interface and minimal teacher intervention. The courses are meticulously designed to efficiently manage a class of up to 50 students, with three separate online portals dedicated to students, teachers, and administrations. For further info, please visit or send an email to