Coding Curriculum for Homeschool

March 21, 2021

Coding has become a hot topic in the homeschool community. While coding is currently offered by most International schools, homeschooling provides a unique and conducive environment for computer science instruction.


Teaching coding can be challenging for homeschool parents, in particular those who don’t have an engineering or computer science background. There are some homeschool curriculum options to consider, and a number of important decisions to make regarding homeschool computer science curricula, kids coding languages, and academic approach.

Here are five of the important reasons why you should consider building computer programming into your homeschool curricula:

  1. Computer related disciplines make up over 60% of projected new jobs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

  2. Computing occupations are among the highest-paying jobs for new graduates.

  3. Coding teaches vocational skills that are immediately relevant in today’s job market.

  4. Coding builds skills in a number of important areas including math, science, problem solving, teamwork, project based learning, creativity, digital arts, and more.

  5. Computer science and technology currently impacts nearly every vocation from medicine to law, from teaching to farming, from political science to business management, and from construction to marketing.

Even if parents don’t have a background in computer science, some platforms make the teaching process very easy. Learning coding alongside your child can be fun and intellectually stimulating for parents. It will also provide practical value for you as a homeschool educator and as a general user of technology. 

Coding First offers a multidisciplinary STEM accredited curriculum through its website. By providing different user profiles for students and educators, parents don't need to prepare lesson plans, lesson notes or quizzes. The platform includes everything including learning guides and online support, allowing the parents to focus on their child’s learning experience in a fun, yet challenging approach.