Game Development Basics: Scratch Junior Level II
In this course, students advance their skills acquired from ScratchJr Level 1 by leveraging the ScratchJr programming platform. They develop intricate games featuring multiple sprites and backgrounds. Advanced programming principles such as conditionals, loops, and message broadcasting are heavily applied. The emphasis is on integrating diverse programming concepts to craft sophisticated games and animations. This course seamlessly builds upon the foundation laid in the previous one, integrating all learned programming concepts to produce more refined projects.
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Overview & Highlights

grade 1-3
20 hours
Basics of block programming: Scratch Junior Level I
Course Overview
Introduction to Game Development
Introduction to game development concepts using Scratch Junior. Students will start by reviewing key programming elements from Level I and begin working on more interactive projects that involve multiple sprites and backgrounds.
Player and Object Interactions
Learn how to create games where the player interacts with objects, using blocks to detect touches or collisions between sprites, adding layers of complexity to the game experience.
Shooting and Combat Mechanics
Discover how to implement shooting mechanics and combat elements, such as characters shooting or hitting objects. This adds action-driven gameplay and introduces concepts like player objectives and score tracking.
Motion and Dodging
Use motion blocks to create advanced movements, such as dodging obstacles or controlling flying objects. This introduces a dynamic challenge where timing and strategy are key to the gameplay.
Loops and Repetitive Actions
Understand how to use loops to program repetitive actions, such as continuous object spawning or repeated interactions. Loops will be applied to create continuous gameplay elements that enhance the player experience.
Certificate of completion available
Earn a certificate of completion and showcase your accomplishment on your resume or LinkedIn.
Featured projects
Catch with Tac
Escape the Lines
Falling Eggs
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